Crazy Bricks – Mouse Guard

Back in 2015, a company called Crazy Bricks did a Kickstarter to create customized LEGO figures based on David Petersen’s Mouse Guard. At the time, I wasn’t aware of Mouse Guard, so I missed out on them. Looking at that Kickstarter, I’m actually kind of glad I missed out because…

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G is for Guardmouse

It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me, but I have a slight obsession with Mouse Guard. Written and drawn by David Petersen, Mouse Guard tells the story of “mice with swords.” Taking place in the 12th century, in a world where man doesn’t exist, mice band…

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2019 – A Year In Review

A friend of mine on LiveJournal used to post these great yearly recaps that I always wanted to do on my own, but never managed to. I had LJ, and FB, and my photos app on my phone to remind me of what I had done the year before. But…

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